Ethics Channel

KAO Corporation, S.A.U. (“KCSA”) has adjusted the Ethics Channel following the entry into force of Law 2/2023, of 20 February, which regulates the protection of people reporting regulatory violations and the fight against corruption (the "Whistleblowing Law”).

Our Ethics Channel is the mechanism we provide to all employees, officers, directors of the Company and third parties who deal with KCSA, including suppliers and contractors, shareholders, volunteers and interns. The channel allows them to report any information related to potential serious or very serious criminal or administrative offences under Article 2 of the Whistleblowing Law.

Communications can be made anonymously, or you may include your contact details, whatever you prefer. The information collected in the communication will be treated safely and confidentially, and in any case in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

This system is designed, established and securely managed to guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of the reporting person and any other person mentioned in the communication, as well as the actions carried out in the management and processing of the communication and the data protection, preventing access by unauthorised personnel.

The Body responsible for the Ethics Channel processes the communications received diligently and promptly, promoting their verification and the measures for their resolution, in accordance with the Guide to the Ethics Channel.

You can submit a report or check its status by clicking on the following link:

Finally, we would like to remind you that, through the link provided, the employees of our organization may also report:

  • Any breach of our Business Conduct Guidelines or other internal rules and regulations
  • Any other violation of applicable legislation in force that is not covered by the Whistleblowing Law.
  • Any contingency that may cause reputational risk to the KAO Group.

However, the handling of these types of complaints will be managed differently as they are not covered by the Whistleblowing Law.